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Recreation Committee Minutes 2010/10/13
Meeting 10/13/10
7:00 meeting called to order

Motion to accept money from Bartletts by Patricia
  Seconded by Brian

Stacy Tao Bartlett $875 tagged bushes, also had a sin bin for people who eat in the patch
     Sin bin donated to sunapee and Newport rec dept.  $1125 from sin bin. Combined with bugs sales for $2000
        $1000 This money will be deposited in the special rec fund agreed by committee

$200 donation from sunapee thrift shop.

program update
3/4 soccer is done
5/6 tournament this weekend
Kinder 1/2 ends this week

1 hour for kinder
1 1/2 for 1.5 hours
3 weeks of December then 2 weeks in February

Skating rink - best one yet!
Warming hut is done
Ed Bailey is setting up some electrical work
Rink will be in the Ben Mere parking lot as big as possible with a liner.  PBA has expressed interest in purchasing liner
Rec has 40+ pairs of skates that will be in the hut for community use

Look into a sunapee ski day. Scott will check calendar at school and with Jay Gamble.

Warrant articles
$35k for field improvements in a capital reserve fund. Wording will be done at nov meeting.

Jreed to put together ppt presentation on field
 Days kids hours days.  Scott to provide info from the rec side

Committee to provide list of top 6 capital projects to Scott.  Committee will prioritize at Nov meeting.
    Ideas - dock @ Dewey beach, dugouts @ Dewey field, drainage @ Veterans field

Scott to call DES @ state and inquire how we get swim lanes at Dewey Beach.
Scott to talk to Mark Usko regarding regular maintenance on ball fields

Discussion around town forest/ski tow hill.

Jreed motion to transfer $6800 to conservation commission from revolving fund.  Seconded by Brian.  Unanimously approved.

45 people are signed up for Turkey Trot
Outspokin- double platinum sponsor. $2000
Huberts $500

Patricia to form subcommittee on forming policy on donations and acknowledging donors.

Sunapee seniors would like to explore receiving the senior line item from the rec budget in a lump sum for them to manage

8:30 Motion to adjourn by jreed seconded by Craig.